Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Queer Youth Readings

These readings were all about queer individuals and how they feel about the way they are viewed by society as a whole.  Some negative perspectives, almost as if they are a part of the "alien life form" category from our class assumptions.  At some point in each of these readings, it was stated that lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers all feel like they are not accepted in society and are constantyl being judged.  They are put into their own category and singled out and are always viewed as being different from everyone else.

All I could think of while reading was, "Who cares what gender they are attracted to?  We're all human beings and we should not treat each other differently just because of someone's sexual orientation."  I have gay friends and it always makes me sad to see them upset for being judged or looked at like they are so strange.  It's like a way to describe someone, too, which is not right.  "You know, Steven, the gay kid."  I'm sure that Steven has plenty of other qualities that could be used to describe him, but for some reason that is how everyone identifies him.

I do like the Queer Representation in the Media today, since they now have gay couples on television shows, movies, etc.  I think that this will help make queer people more normal and accepted in our society and it will make people realize that it is perfectly fine to be something other than straight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you 100% about who cares what gender THEY are attracted to. I feel like society is so concerned about what others are doing and less conceded about themselves. Queer Representation in the Media is something I like seeing too. It's like seeing interracial couples on TV :)
